Member of the Board of Management
Marlen Wienert joined the BayWa AG Board of Management in April 2023. After achieving a doctorate in economics, Wienert started her professional career at the company in 2006 and soon took over management responsibility for marketing and employee communication in Agriculture and Agricultural Equipment. She pressed ahead with the strategic development of agricultural input and agricultural equipment business, as well as the digitalisation of agricultural business, and successfully amalgamated the Agriculture | Agricultural Equipment business sectors. She is responsible für the business units Agricultural Equipment, Enegery, Corporate EH&S, Human Resources, Corporate Marketing as well as the BayWa Foundation.
Date of Birth: May 2nd 1977
Place of Birth: Zschopau
Nationality: German
2008 Doctorate in Political Science, TU Munich, Topic of research: “Integrated Communication in Milk Processing Companies”
2003 PR-Officer including Online-PR, WBS Consulting
1996-2001 Degree in Business Administration, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg
since 2023 Member of the Board of BayWa AG
since 2021 Head of the AgricultureIAgricultural Equipment, BayWa AG, including all Sales and Marketing Channels, Product Management and Purchasing
2016-2021 Head of Marketing and Employee Communication Agriculture, BayWa AG, including responsibilities for Marketing Communication, Employee Communication at the Agricultural and Agricultural Equipment Unit
2008-2015 Head of Marketing Agricultural Equipment, BayWa AG, including Responsibilities for the Marketing Communication at the Agricultural Equipment Unit
2006-2008 Trainee & Marketing Manager, Marketing Agricultural Equipment, BayWa AG
External mandates
- Süddeutsche Zuckerrübenverwertungs-Genossenschaft eG, Ochsenfurt, Germany (Member of the Supervisory Board) (until 04/07/2023)
- UBB e. V. (Unsere Bayerischen Bauern) (Member of the Management Board)
Group mandate
- RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria Aktiengesellschaft, Korneuburg, Austria (Member of the Supervisory Board) (since 24/03/2023)
207.3 KB / PDF CV Marlen Wienert