Group Strategy
Where We Are
The BayWa Group is a listed and leading portfolio company with around 25,000 employees in >45 countries and active in the fields of energy, agriculture and building materials.
As a project and solution provider, BayWa Group and its Business Entities offer innovative and sustainable products and services for a wide range of customer groups. Founded in 1923, the parent company is head-quartered in Munich. The company started as a co-operative agricultural trader, suppling rural areas with everything that agriculture needed.
Mainly driven through internationalisation and diversification, BayWa Group experienced strong growth in the past.
The BayWa Group operates in 7 key markets which are influenced by several mega-, macro- and business trends as well as regulatory developments. The markets serve basic human needs for food, housing, energy, mobility, heating, and offer attractive business opportunities for the Group’s specialised Business Entities.
How We Win
The BayWa Group operates in attractive markets that have significant potential, provides high-quality support for its Business Entities and can rely on a strong portfolio of companies with clear value creation ambition.
Group Strategy 2030 addresses these factors and pours them into a consistent framework with three clearly defined core elements:
- Within the core element “Mastering markets in basic human needs” BayWa Group focuses on systematically selecting attractive and future-oriented markets, improving customer understanding and using potential, arising from the broad field of sustainability
- “Improving operating model by excellence” combines the aim of continuously developing the BayWa Group’s operating model through string alignment with the Business Entities, increasing decentralised business responsibility and providing high-quality and group-relevant services to the Business Entities
- The core element “Realising value creation for impact” takes account of applying a structured portfolio management approach, defining clear Group and Business Entity targets to allow for sustainable future development by simultaneously enabling shareholders to participate in BayWa Group’s success
How We Thrive
The implementation of our Group Strategy 2030 is flanked by a well-defined value proposition: Our vision, mission and goals help us to live the strategy in our day-to-day business and thus lead BayWa Group into a successful future.
The Group's employees and executives are dedicated to this commitment and thus contribute to its realization and hence to meaningful impact for our Group, our Business Entities, and society.
Our employees are the basis for our success and the future direction of the BayWa Group.
Download presentation
For further information and helpful visualizations of the new Group Strategy 2030, please download this presentation.