The BayWa share is traded on stock exchanges in Frankfurt (floor and Xetra) and in Munich on the Official Market (Prime Standard).
Please find information on this under key data.
The registered share with restricted transferability (ISIN DE 0005194062) is listed in the CDAX, PRIMALL and CLASSICALLSHARE indices.
The registered share (ISIN DE 0005194005) is listed in the CDAX, PRIMALL and CLASSICALLSHARE indices.
There was a share split in a ratio of 1:20 in the process of converting the nominal amount of DM 100 to the nominal amount of DM 5 per share. At the same time, the no-par share was introduced and the share capital was converted to euros.
BayWa has issued two classes of shares: The registered share with restricted transferability (ISIN DE 0005194062) and the registered share (ISIN DE 0005194005). Both classes are ordinary shares, i.e. they carry the same voting and dividend rights.
In the case of registered shares the company keeps a share register in which the names of the shareholders are entered. Restriction on transferability means that the approval of the company is required if ownership of the shares is transferred. For the purposes of the private shareholder, however, this restriction has no practical impact for the purchase and sale of the share.
Approximately 34,300 shareholders hold shares in BayWa (As of June 2019).
Purchasing registered share with restricted transferability requires the approval of the Board of Management which has always been given in the past. In terms of the rights they carry both classes are identical.
The stock exchange generally considers restriction on transferability as a burdening factor. This is why the registered share with restricted transferability generally carries a markdown in comparison with the registered share.
The issuing of registered shares has its roots in the history of the company when bearer shares were transformed into registered shares by way of resolution in an extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders.